Camp Host US Newsletter 44
February 13, 2008
In This Issue:
1. New Blog Pictures
The Camp Host US Blog is where all the old newsletters eventually end up. If you haven't visited the blog in awhile then take a look. We are trying to publish most of our past job contact information here. Remember contacts are contacts..they seldom go out of date. Camp Hosts come and go. We're on wheels.
Go Reserve Your Campsite For The Camping Holiday!
3. Camp Host Volunteer Jobs Just In!
Welcome to the second issue of the Passport in Time e-Traveler! The e-Traveler is an electronic newsletter published by the Passport in Time Clearinghouse. The e-Traveler contains updates on the Passport in Time program and information on projects that are currently accepting volunteer applications.
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Get Hotel Room Rates Compared
Keep your eyes on the PIT Webpage; PIT project leaders are now submitting their summer projects! The summer submission schedule is as follows. Projects that will take place in June will appear by the end of February. Projects that will take place in July will be posted by the end of March, and projects that will take place in August, will be posted by the end of April. Of course, project leaders may submit their projects as far in advance as they would like. Why, we recently received a project that doesn't start until September. How's that for advance notice?!
by Carolyn J. McClellan, Chief
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was pleased to offer its first PIT project called Weaving Connections in northwestern California this past summer (2007). This project brought together volunteers, California Indian basket weavers, and BLM staff to work on clearing a hazel patch for future harvest, harvesting and cleaning spruce root, and working on a basket start. We even had our own bluegrass concert by Gina Jorgenson (BLM Student Career Experience Program student) and her family. Everyone had a great time!
Stories in Stone: Rock Art Pictures by Early Americans
I am now working with BLM staff in Wyoming on developing a PIT project at a petroglyph site known as Legend Rock, near Thermopolis, WY for summer 2008. We have several different projects there that need assistance: 1) finishing photographing and recording the many petroglyph panels at the site; 2) conducting oral history interviews of local citizens to record their history and significance of the site; and 3) developing interpretive displays from these histories for an on-site visitor center.
Several states have identified potential PIT projects in their respective areas so please stay tuned as the BLM prepares additional volunteer opportunities for jointly managing our cultural resources on public lands in the years to come.
Carolyn J. McClellan, Chief
Division of Cultural, Paleontological Resources and Tribal Consultation
Bureau of Land Management
Washington, DC
The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach
New projects are added to the PIT Website throughout the year. Recently added projects are listed below. To view the full description for a project, click on the project title or visit the Current Projects page of the PIT Website. On the Current Projects page, you can browse projects by state or application due date. To apply for a project, please visit and click on the link to the application near the top of the page. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact the PIT Clearinghouse by phone: (800) 281-9176 or by email:
Arizona, Coronado NF, Caretaking the Coronado, Kentucky Camp and Brown Canyon Ranch; Ongoing; Historic; Caretaking; RVs, FS housing possible; Special skills required; Minimum age 21 (families encouraged); Apply by: Ongoing
Coronado NF, Caretaking the Coronado - Columbine Visitor Center, May 23-June 12, June 13-July 10, July 11-July 31, 2008; Historic; Caretaking; FS housing provided; Minimum age 21; Apply by: Ongoing
Coronado NF, Caretaking the Coronado - Portal Visitor Center, July 1-September 1, 2008; Historic; Caretaking; FS housing, RV hook-ups; Minimum age 21; Apply by: Ongoing
Coronado NF, Doors, Floors & S'mores, Return to Kentucky Camp, April 21-25, 2008; Historic; Restoration; Camping, RVs; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 2/18/08
Kaibab NF, Testing New Field Techniques: Measuring Deadmans Gray Sherd Thickness to Study Cohonina Migration near Sycamore Canyon, September 21-27, 2008; Prehistoric; Ceramic analysis, survey; Camping; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 7/20/08
Arkansas, Ozark-St. Francis NF, Following in the Footsteps of the CCC: Camp Ozone Interpretative Trail, May 16-27, 2008; Trail work, archaeological survey, metal detectors; Camping, RVs; 16 with adult; Apply by: 3/16/08
California, Angeles NF, Archaeological Excavation at Chilao Flats, May 5-9, 2008; Prehistoric; Excavation, mapping, photography; Camping, RVs; Strenuous; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 3/3/08
Angeles NF, Scorched Archaeology: Survey and Recordation in the Foothills of the Sierra Pelonas, May 19-23, 2008; Prehistoric and historic; Archaeological survey; Camping, motels; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 3/17/08
Cleveland NF, A Hike into the Past: The Laguna Mountains Project V, May 5-9, 12-16, 2008; Prehistoric and historic; Archaeological survey, mapping, GPS; FS housing; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 3/3/08
Lake Tahoe Basin MU, Tallac Historic Site Restoration Volunteer Program, 1: May 19-June 23, 2: June 24-July 27, 3: July 28-September 2, 4: September 3-October 10, 2008; Restoration, tour guide, museum projects, gardening; RVs only; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 1: 3/17/08, 2: 4/21/08, 3: 5/26/08, 4: 6/30/08
San Bernardino & Angeles NFs, Prehistoric Excavations in the Transverse Mountain Ranges, April 20-25, April 27-May 2, 2008; Prehistoric; Excavation; FS housing, RVs; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 2/17/08
Colorado, BLM, Little Snake FO, Quarries, Paleontology, and OHVs, oh my! Archaeological Survey in the South Sand Wash Basin, June 2-6, 2008; Archaeological and paleontological survey; Primitive camping; Strenuous; Age 10 with adult; Apply by: 3/31/08
Comanche NG, Picketwire Canyonlands Site Survey XIV, June 1-7, 2008; Prehistoric and historic; Survey, photography, botany, mapping, rock art recording; FS housing, camping; Strenuous; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 3/30/08
Florida, Ocala NF, Historic Carr Cabin Landscape Restoration, April 18-24, 2008; Historic; Wetland rehabilitation, trail restoration, mapping; Camping, RVs, hotels; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 2/15/08
Idaho, Salmon-Challis NF, Basin Butte Lookout Restoration Project,July 14-18, 2008; Historic; Restoration; Camping, motels; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 5/12/08
Illinois, Shawnee NF, "I am a part of this people." When Lincoln Came to Egypt: an 1858 Lincoln-Douglas Debate Quilt, May 14-17, 2008; Historic; Interpretation; Camping, RVs, Hotels; Age 10 with adult; Apply by: 3/12/08
Montana, Lolo NF, The Historical Archaeology of the Cedar Creek Chinese Experience, June 22-28, 2008; Historic; Excavation; Primitive camping; Strenuous; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 4/20/08
Lolo NF, Morgan Case Homestead (Turn Key), May 11-16, May 18-23, 2008; Historic; Restoration; Camping, FS housing; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 3/9/08
Nevada, Humboldt-Toiyabe NF, Life of the CCC in the Mountains of Eastern Nevada (repair of modern and historic facilities), June 16-20, 2008; Historic; Restoration; Camping, RVs; Children with adult; Apply by: 4/14/08
Oregon, Deschutes NF, Historic Elk Lake Guard Station Staffing Project,June 17-23, 23-30, July 1-7, 8-14, 15-21, 22-28, July 29-August 4, 5-11, 12-18, 19-25, August 26-September 1, 2-8, 9-15, 2008; Historic; Interpretation; Camping, RVs, FS housing; Minimum age 21 (families welcome) ; Apply by: Ongoing
Malheur NF, Build your own PIT Project, January-December 2008; Propose a project; FS housing, motels, RVs; Skills required to achieve your project; Age 10 with adult; Apply by: Ongoing
Malheur NF, Lithic Analysis, April 21-25, 2008; Prehistoric; Lab, analysis; FS housing, motels, RVs; Age 16 with adult; Apply by: 2/18/08
Siuslaw NF, Celebrate the Siuslaw! Searching for Clues in Historic Records, April 28-May 2, 2008; Historic; Document research; Camping, RVs, motels; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 2/25/08
Siuslaw NF, Spring Cleaning '08: GIS Mapping Historic Homesteads, May 5-9, 2008; Historic; GIS database work; Camping, RVs, motels; Minimum age 18; Apply by: 3/3/08
Utah, Ashley NF, Carter Military Road,July 7-11, 2008; Historic; Metal detector survey, excavation; Primitive camping, motels; Age 12 with adult; Apply by: 5/5/08
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